Progression | eCommerce Consortium Plan
Job and business worldwide @ the eConsortium | Select choice of interest to advance

Value Addon eCommerce Consortium Plan
For who?
The eCommerce Consortium Plan is for all who are desirous to be identified with Qcircle and its growth paradigm. It provides subscribers / members opportunities to create a flexible job, career or business portfolio at the eConsortium with their core competencies wherever they reside. The Plan allocates provileges and reward.
Business Associates
Associate eConsortium Plan Set-up
Associate | Privileges and Reward
One time set-up fee inclusive of one year Associate Plan
Corporate Hosts
Corporate eConsortium Plan Set-up
Corporate | Privileges and Reward
One time set-up fee inclusive of one year Corporate Plan
Global Partners
Partners eConsoirtium Plan Set-up
Global Partners | Privileges and Reward
One time set-up fee inclusive of one year Global Partners Plan
Progression | Enterprise Brands
Advance with a specialisation | Create a digital value chain for your competencies and businesses. You will be digitally connected to a specialty knwoledge domain for eConsortium recognition.
Choice of Consortium Plan | Knowledge Domain
Select a Specialty Interest
Progression | Select a Knowledge Domain. Participation is determined by competency verification of prior learning and experience. Subscribers are accorded an appropriate category of privileges and rewards for their participation. Consortium Plan is classified into three financial categories. Find your own fit, select a knowledge domain and progress at your own pace and place. Set a Consortium Plan and choice of interest to set up allocated product and service eCommerce listing as per plan.