Create your own job, career or business
Work anywhere and everywhere.
Full or part-time, real or virtual, flexible or parallel career with business option.
Innovation Awards | Rewards
Value Addon flexible eCommerce Consortium Plan.
Digital connected to good Enterprise Brand for global affiliation and marketplaces
Digital Entrepreneurship Start-up
Get an Online Job and Business Advisor to guide your development need.
Immediate Job Creation | Affiliate @ Qcircle Set-up
Progress at your own pace and place
Complimentary Affiliate Plan for all who completed the IEI Induction Program
Join the digital world of inter-connected marketplaces. Innovate now to participate in the new world eConsortium.
Entrepreneurial Innovation @ Qcircle, you are directed to innovate and progress in the consortium for new job and business opportunities. Here, you design a self-contracted action pathway plan to achieve your goal.
The Consortium Plan allocates awards, privileges and rewards.
Inclusive of job training and advisory services
Get started at anyplace, in your country or community. Apply for a Competency Award to qualify yourselves with an Affiliate Plan to obtain immediate job privileges and reward.
Qualified Affiliate Program
1. Immediate Job Opportunities
Build your competency | eCommerce Privileges and Rewards
Professional Affiliate Program
2. Job for Professionals
Advance your core competency and specialisation as a professional affiliate
Business Affiliate Program
3. Job as Business Affiliate
Easily Jobbing as a Business Affiliate Develop your market reach
Create a Job | Specialisation
Choice to suit your core competency and interest
Immediate Job and freelance opportunities for Job and Business Seekers
Be digitally connected | Join the team. Immediate value set-up as an Affiliate
Participate as an Affiliate for an immediate new job or business at Qcircle | Advance
- Select a knowledge domain to develop your core interest
- Create eCommerce Portfolio | Develop your Project Team
Quick Affiliate Set-up @ Qcircle |Advance at your own pace and place . Scroll down
Progression | Login to know more about eConsortium Plan
Job or Business Development Opportunities
Qcircle Digital Growth Plan
Create job and value chain by specialisation
Digitally linked with a Knowledge Domain | Value Addon Consortium Plan for Awards } Rewards
Choice of over 500 specialty domain brands with strong keywords and descriptors. These rich domain names are strategically interconnected in one eCommerce Consortium @ Qcircle to augur sustainable development and growth among all its stakeholders. It’s eConsortium Ecosystem provides all networked members the opportunity to help one another in their digitalisation growth process.
Participation is by choice of a Consortium Plan. The Plan allocates awards, privileges and Rewards.
All eConsortium Partners will be digitally linked to a knowledge domain and in the process a value chain @ Qcircle. a value addon feature for all participants.